Battle for middle earth 2 gameplay
Battle for middle earth 2 gameplay

battle for middle earth 2 gameplay

Whoever put them together has a good eye for the visually dramatic and they certainly help get you excited for what's to come and feel victorious at the end. While they're relatively unimportant to gameplay, they sure can be fun to watch. All of these cutscenes are a mix of art and in-game graphics with more interesting camera views.

battle for middle earth 2 gameplay

Preceding and following each mission is a short cutscene describing the happenings in the war, why the mission is where it is, and what the strategic value is. I know I've said it before, but it's just too much fun to run into The Shire with the goblins to not mention it again. The good missions really push the feeling of being cornered while the evil missions are all about attacking with superior numbers and disdain for the realms of the freemen. By the end of the game there's a truckload of powers, units, and heroes at hand. Many of them provide very cool settings to play in like Rivendell, Celduin, Erebor, and The Shire and most are constructed to fit the fiction and progress the action and technology. In fact, almost all of the sixteen total campaign missions (eight each for good and evil) are well constructed and fun. The exciting attack and defend missions aren't broken up with repetitive and uninteresting skirmishes. EALA has moved the campaign into a more traditional structure for the sequel and it works much better this way. It created an interesting atmosphere but dragged on by the end. Those that played the original will remember the campaign taking place over the "living-world map" of Middle-earth. The fight for Middle-earth is still the focus of the campaigns, but the structure has been changed pretty dramatically from the first game. This new war sets the scene for some serious battles between the forces of good and evil in this much improved sequel. The war in the north between the elves, dwarves, goblins, and Mordor forces out of Dol Guldur was gigantic and according to the histories held some of the biggest battles of the war. In this respect Battle for Middle-earth II only adds to the fun by shifting the focus to an entirely different part of the War of the Ring that fans might not even be aware of. Out of all of the Middle-earth inspired games I've seen come out over the last few years, it captured the grandeur and epic conflict that the books and histories so eloquently detail. There was no faulting Battle for Middle-earth for use of franchise.

Battle for middle earth 2 gameplay